Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a monthly, contemplative conversation in which together we look and listen for how the Spirit is present in your life.  As a Director, I am not a teacher or ‘expert’, but rather a companion on the path who supports you in your unfolding spiritual journey. Unlike psychotherapy or counseling, which address problems or life issues needing to be understood and healed, and unlike spiritually oriented therapies which incorporate spirituality into addressing challenging life issues, spiritual direction tends specifically to your walk with The Holy. We often speak about life issues, and focus on exploring the sensed presence or absence of God in their midst.

In the Christian tradition, the ‘true’ director is The Holy Spirit. Our intention as we sit together is to explore how that Spirit is calling you and inviting you into fuller and more authentic life.

People come into spiritual direction for many reasons. Some include-

*A longing for something–and that something feels like a greater spiritual connection
*Spiritual/religious practices or beliefs that once nourished have become dry
*Something painful is happening, perhaps an illness or other difficult life-experience, and the question “Where is God in this?” becomes the soul’s cry
*Not having anyone – or anyone ‘safe’ – with whom to talk to about spirituality/religion
*Wanting to explore beliefs, spiritual practices

Perhaps the most common reason is a desire to be present with someone who will not impose beliefs or views, and who will genuinely and gently support their own unique call to be present with God– however they experience and name that Blessedness.

After many years working in various forms of the healing arts, it is now my great privilege to  sit simply in the presence of the Divine Physician who calls each person by name, and who calls each named one into increasingly intimate relationship. My commitment is to hold sacred and attentive space in such a way that my directees can respond to the Holy Invitation with freedom and integrity.

My vocation is to work with several different groups-

*Christians from all denominations who are being called into a deeper relationship with God
*Christians invited by God into the contemplative journey
*Christians who are frustrated and concerned, afraid they might be losing their faith, because former practices and theologies no longer suit and want a respectful space in which they can sort through what they believe as true now.
*Catholics  and Christians who want to stay in the Church but are struggling
*Former Catholics and Christians who are experiencing a pull to explore returning to the Church
*People wanting help in recovering from harmful experiences they have suffered in Church and/or in the name of Christ
*People on various spiritual paths who are finding themselves wanting to speak to a safe person  about Christ and/or Christianity- someone who has no desire to 'convert'
*People who have had 'mystical' experiences and want support in discernment

A session typically lasts an hour. Usually we begin with silence, or, if the directee prefers, a simple prayer. We might spend time in quiet listening and reflection. We might enter into an internal space of sacred imagination, and explore the images or sensations arising. Sometimes there is laughter, or tears. There may be deeply engaged conversation, or periods of silence, meditation, prayer. And the focus, always, no matter what is happening, or what we might be speaking about, is that Presence that is there in the room, acting in the directee.

We meet monthly in spiritual direction for several reasons. Unlike counseling, the relationship fostered in spiritual direction is not between the director and directee- but rather between the directee and God. The spiritual director acts as a kind of witness or midwife to that sacred relationship. The sessions are meant to be a supportive check-in time to encourage and reflect upon the rest of the directees life–which is where the Life with God is taking place. If in direction personal issues arise that would be well-suited to a therapist’s help, I offer appropriate referrals.  It’s not unusual for folks in direction to be seeing other practitioners for different types of healing support.

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If you have any questions, would like to discuss setting up an introductory session or my offering a retreat in your area, please contact me at rbcapaxdei@gmail.com

A great resource is Spiritual Directors International, www.sdiworld.org ,
which includes referrals to directors in many different spiritual traditions.

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