Workshops & Retreats
2160 Main Street
Marstons Mills MA 02648
Please call the library to register-- space limited
Meditation Group-- Meditating With Essential Oils
Third Tuesday of the month 6-7pm
Dream Class
Jan. 13, 20, 27
2-4 pm
Please contact Ruah if you would like to inquire about her facilitating a book group, or offering a retreat for your group on a topic related to contemplative life and practice. She is happy to discuss with you any topic that you are considering.
Current topics include:
Growing in God: The Spiritual Journey of the Elder
The Spirit Is Always Speaking: A Lectio Divina Series which includes:
Intro to Lectio Divina
Visio Divina
Lectio with Dreams
Lectio as Life Practice
Please contact Ruah if you would like to inquire about her facilitating a book group, or offering a retreat for your group on a topic related to contemplative life and practice. She is happy to discuss with you any topic that you are considering.
Current topics include:
Growing in God: The Spiritual Journey of the Elder
The Spirit Is Always Speaking: A Lectio Divina Series which includes:
Intro to Lectio Divina
Visio Divina
Lectio with Dreams
Lectio as Life Practice