Sometimes the way to milk and honey is through the body. Sometimes the way in is a song. But there are three ways in the world: dangerous, wounding and beauty. To enter stone, be water. To rise through the hard earth, be plant, desiring sunlight, believing in water. To enter fire, be dry. To enter life, be food.
Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition my inner knowing the sense of my body and blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred Space and love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance with the passing of each glorious Sun.
In times of doubt I forget That You are not a God Of thoughts, to be found In concepts or theories But are the source of My life and radiance That shines forth in all That is, and then I remember: Mine is the work of learning To see You as the radiance That shines forth in all that is, Even in the dark. Even in me.